The “hummingbird sign” and “Mickey Mouse” midbrainsigns in PSP

Magnetic resonance brain scans in patient with progressive supranuclear palsy, showing characteristic “hummingbird sign” and “Mickey Mouse” midbrain

A case of confusion and bilateral temporal lesions in a young woman

Brain MRI: Diffuse, confluent T2 hyperintensities along bilateral mesial temporal lobes (A); extending into the left insular cortex (B) due to limbic encephalitis.

A case of primitive trigeminal artery infarction

White arrow points to the primitive trigeminal artery (A–D). MRI, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequence, demonstrating the left ventral pontine infarction (A). Magnetic resonance angiography demonstrates proximal hypoplastic-stenotic vertebrobasilar system (B). Selective left internal carotid artery angiogram: lateral (C) and anteroposterior view (D) (same viewing angle as in B). Triangular arrowhead points to the left internal carotid artery (B–D).

A case of endocrinologic crisis in a woman with subacute blindness

Gliblastoma multiforme